Tsunami Jepang - Japan earthquake measuring 8.8

Tsunami Jepang : Japan earthquake measuring 8.8 on the Richter Scale (SR) that occurs on this day the 11th of March 2011, 14:00 am that shook Japan, triggered a tsunami that hit many vehicles and several buildings on the northeast coast of Japan, which is close with the epicenter, for those of you who want to see her video I provide below.

According to the Associated Press reported this morning, felt the quake began at 14:46 local time. About 30 minutes later, a magnitude 7.4 aftershock occurred SR. The U.S. Geological Survey assessed that the first quake measuring 8.8 magnitude and forwarded by the tsunami japan.

The latest news according to Japan Meteorological Agency issued a tsunami alert around the east coast of Japan, which faces the Pacific Ocean. Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii said that a tsunami warning also applies in Russia, Marcus Island, and the Mariana Islands.

Tsunami Jepang videos

In addition, the tsunami alert warning was also issued for Guam, Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia, and the state of Hawaii, USA. Population of Japan's capital, also felt the shocks gempa.belum estimated how many casualties in this incident, but authorities still monitor whether the earthquake and tsunami disaster that has caused severe casualties and damage.

Easy-easy way events in Japan that the tsunami was a warning to us will be the events that endanger nature Tsunami Jepang  .

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